
LA Ventures

What a blast the past few weeks have been! I flew out to the premiere of Kung Fu Panda 2! Had lunch with some friends at couple studios, went to the Zoo for some good'ol life drawing, played on the beach and ate great food!

The premiere was so much fun, the amount of energy in that room with everyone was incredible. All those years of hard work lead up to that moment to just fly by in a couple hours. I hope KFP2 does well at the box office! I hope to be apart of that experience in the future.

I then had to come back home on May 24th, recover and reconvene with my team to finish up the pitch we have been developing. And I flew back out to LA just 4 days later with a collegue from Big Grin.
Sometimes I enjoy drawing the animals not enclosed behind bars more than the ones that are. ;)


g1toons said...

your doing a pitch? nice, nice sketches also

Toby Cochran said...

Yeah thanks man! The pitch went well, we learned a lot and once the team all gets back from vacation we will start working on revising some things!!