O man! I can't believe its really happening. For those of you that didn't know or don't even know me, I was accepted to Gobelins Animation School in Paris, France!!!!
Gobelins puts out hands down some of the best animation I have ever watched from students! I was 1 of 30 professionals and students from around the world to go! There are only 3 from the United States going. One is a professional animator and her name is Christine, I've had the pleasure of talking with her over email and shes phenomenal at 2D animation and quite scary at character design as well. Check >Christine's site out.
Here is a link to Gobelins
I will be updating this blog as much as I can while I'm over in Paris! I leave June 30th and will be staying til July 15th. I can't wait, jeez I better practice some animation so I don't pathetic out their!