
Going out with a bang!

End of the year is wrapping up in the next month and half, and I can't believe how fast time has flown by!

I've been taking Robb Pratt's online storyboarding classes all year. And I remember signing up at the end of February thinking, "I have to wait all year to just get 10 lessons!" Dec 11th will be the last class, and I'm kinda sad it's already over.

I do wish the classes were a bit more one on one with assignments however. I am looking into all the schooling I can get my hands on for storyboarding to take my skills to the next level. There are a couple of places offering classes and videos that I plan to soak up.

CTN Expo. I can't wait for CTN! It's going to be great, lots of great artists will be there and I am super excited to meet a few board artists that I've been following, along with some long time idols like Humberto Ramos!!

this weekend is going to be freaking amazing!!
Safe travels everyone!!

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